Amazing Murals at Artsphere 20/8ty!

Art seekers, you wouldn't need to go all the way to Penang to see Murals anymore! as it is all at Artsphere20/8ty @ The Atmosphere, Seri Kembangan. I headed over there with Eileen and all I can say, it is A-mahhh-ziingggg! All the murals are painted all over shoplots, floors and any place you can put your eyes on!

The thematic concept `Artsphere 20/8ty’ pays tribute to the 20 talented artists, whose 80 pieces of mural artwork adorn the vicinity, making `The Atmosphere’ the single location with the highest collection of mural art in Malaysia

The launch started off with a Press Conference where we got to know more about what it is all about

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Mr Tan Meng Seng (Executive Director of Tempo Holdings), Ms Haze Long (Founder of Art Misfits), Tan Sri Datuk Amar (Dr) Haji Abdul Aziz Bin Dato Haji Husain (Non-Independent, Non-Executive Director of the Eksons Corporation Berhad), Mr Khoo Boo Hian (CEO of Tempo Properties)

Soon after the launch, everyone was busy running about the area to find Murals all over! Also, there is also a Contest running, where there is a total of RM15,000 in prizes to be won ranging from Smartphones, Tablets and Cameras.

How do you join? 
1) Head over to Artsphere and snap a photo of yourself with the Mural in your own creative manner. 
2) Upload it to Artsphere 20/8ty-Official Facebook Photo Contest at
3) There are 2 categories which is the "most liked" photo and the "most creative" photo
4) Just wait for the announcement of results!

Here are my 2 entries:

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I'm just going to show you a glimpse of what murals to be be seen over there:

Robot Themed Murals
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Alice in Wonderland Themed Murals

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Other random murals

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Best part? there are QR codes situated all over the place for you to know more about the Murals you're looking at
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So what are you waiting for?? head over to Artsphere 20/8ty @ The Atmosphere and check out the Amazing Murals there! Also join the contest as its easy and you may even walk away with awesome prizes!
