Of We Nag & We Dont Nag

Well i've been quite busy lately
so i couldn't blog bout this premieres

so courtesy of Nuffnang
I was able to attend 3 premieres
which were

A Christmas Carol
Ninja Assassin
New Moon

so starting up:
A Christmas Carol

Featuring Jim Carey!

man yeah he is one of my favourite actors
especially when he portrays his retarded faces

This movie is the remake in 3D
it had the same storyline
but somehow i felt this movie was rather slow and boring
compared to the other versions i've watched

Rating: 4/10

so for this premiere
i brought my one and only:
And of course the 5 Batangs!
Me, Mervyn, Joshua, Chung, Jay
The Dumbness of the 5 Batangs

2nd premiere of the day is:
Ninja Assassin

Acted by Rain (well i still think he is gay)

This movie is about him being a Runaway Ninja
trying to kill his "master" from the Ozunu Clan

For Me..This movie was:
80% violence & blood...
and 20% movie

The action scenes were good
and at least theres reality in which
Rain gets sliced! LOL
but of course theres the part where
Rain can heal himself =.=
which is rather unrealistic

Rating: 5/10

so at the premiere..
The 1st thing we saw is:

GSC wrote it wrongly and Robb just wrote more on it HAHA

well if ur wondering why i'm wearing a chef jacket
its because i escaped early from Kitchen Class LOL
my tickets
Yong Jie, Jo Ling & I
My sister Audrey

So the day after
i was also invited for
The Twilight Saga: New Moon Premiere

Well compared to Twilight
i found this much better
as it wasn't as boring as Twilight

and of course if u read the book
its like 70% of Bella crying
but somehow they managed to do this movie up
which doesn't make Bella cry for 70% LOL

and of course all the girls dropped their eyes
when they saw Jacob's Muscular Body LOL

Rating: 7/10

At This premiere
(since it was only a day after)

this time Robb was trying to make a joke from the previous premiere
Ninja Assassin
My two little flyers

So after this premiere
we headed on to Murni's with the bloggers

and at murni's i was able to get:
The Hypercubes CD

its a really relaxing house lounge music CD

pretty content with it
and i also was able to get:
Tickets To MOS special event =)

till da next post!


Victoria said…
love u too! and i don't nag as well! hahahahahahahaha
Funny la robb
Samuel C said…
HEHE i know sweetie =)
love u too =)
conan_cat said…
wow, you sure watched a lot of movies! i envy you! xD is christmas carol really that bad? i plan on watching it :o
Samuel C said…
conan: well its not THAT bad la =) but i feel that some other versions are better lol =)
wen pink said…
awwwwwwwww the pic of u n vic is sooooooo sweeeet!
Simon Seow said…
I'm the one who pointed out to Robb about the wrong spelling lol.
Samuel C said…
Wen Pink: hehe thx wennie =)

Simon: OOWH its u ah? lol now we know =)