Hot girls, Beer and Sausages at Carlsberg Oktoberfest Finale

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Every year Oktoberfest gets bigger and better, and with Carlsberg, the finale was held at 1 Utama. Plenty of beer drinkers came over to join in the fun as there was so much to drink, so much to eat and great performances which led us all on to a great night!

Carlsberg and 3 imported Bavarian beer brands Erdinger, Franziskaner & Lowenbrau was served in limited edition 'stein' which customers could bring back to add to their collection. More than that, the Oktoberfest Oom-Pa-Pah band flown in from Germany sang germanic folksongs and contemporary favourites all night long.

I headed over there with ze boss Andy, and soon joined in the fun with everyone else. Drinks, beer, music, GIRLS, what more can one ask for? :)

Lets head to some pictures that night:
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The sexy A250 outside

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The Amazing crowd!

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MD Henrik Anderson tapping the first keg

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Carlsberg Directors & the beautiful Dirndl Girls

Soon the Oom-Pa-Pah Band came out to play!

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Playing the long horn

And to the other pictures that night:

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Yeeing, Benjamin & Kah Mon

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Andy is not bald for once! 

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The beautiful Dirndl Girls

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Ryan & Yeeing Nom-ing on some good food

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Thats how crazy we get

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And to the moment you've all been waiting for, check out the lovely Dirndl Girls:

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Chilling out there was a great experience and even though we didn't know how to sing all those German songs, the fellowship and laughter were the ones which brought the whole event up! Can't wait for next year's!
