In life, Everyone is always looking for a plan which is most beneficial with the lowest and appropriate cost for it. And this doesn't exclude telephone bills either! But rumour has it, That Digi has the latest postpaid plans which is the most affordable of all!
Well is it true?
Yes it is! Digi now comes with the most affordable plans for the newly released iPhone 4! This has struck my interest deeply as now, I can finally afford the monthly packages as it starts from RM58 per month!
You can check out the packages below:
I love the latest plans by Digi as finally now because:
I can finally save money from expensive phone bills since it would only cost RM58/month!
I get FREE calls, sms and mms!
I get affordable prices after monthly free usage!
Internet is unlimited even after monthly quota!
I get cheaper rates to my Friends & Family!
I get Free calls, mms and sms to my supplementary lines!
and last but not least, I get flexibility on the 0% installment for 36 months!
What would you want more when you have an awesome plan such as this? I just wanna say:
Digi iPhone 4 rates are awesome and you better not miss your chance to get such attractive yet promising packages!
And if you're DOUBTING Digi on its coverage, Two famous bloggers namely Jessica Tan and Smashpop has already proven that Digi had better coverage compared to a competitor!