Method 2
if u would like to have the best results of melted chocolate..
put the chocolate into a small bowl
leave the bowl in a hot water bath and wait for it to melt
or u can put it in a pot filled with water over the fire...
it'll still be a hot water bath but its faster
dont be a dumb dumb and let the water get with the chocolate =)
the result after melting the chocolate
use good strawberries
its approximately RM8 for a box of 250g of strawberries..
or either u can go ahead and buy the USA strawberries...
approx RM15 for a box
a strawberry with an ass =)
okok continuing with it...
just dip the strawberries in chocolate and its ready to eat=)
(this chocolate is with nuts to enhance the flavor)
or either
another example:
you can use marshmallows
take the marshmallow by a fork so u wont dirty up the place
use a spoon and cover the marshmallow completely with chocolate
continue doing it till it becomes like :
and its ready to eat =)
so do try and do it by urselfs
save u more $$
and u have high quality chocolate and fruits compared to the dealers outside
enjoy =)
till da next post