chocolate fondue

have u ever felt cheated from chocolate fondue dealers
with their high prices of their products?
how about...
Chocolate Fondue in your home?
ever thought of making your own fondue at home?
well its possible
even without the fondue machine thingi
simple steps that can be used to make ur own fondue
Dairy Milk Chocolate
i would choose cadbury as it never failed me and its richness is there
and it taste much better than the cheap chocolate
that the chocolate fondue dealers provide u with

and whatever u want to dip in chocolate =)

i shall start up with the 1st step

Step 1:

put the chocolate bar ( approximately 100g-200g )
into a small bowl

Step 2:

Method 1
Microwave it for about 1-2 minutes till completely melted
(pls stop every 30 seconds and mix it with a spoon to avoid burning the chocolate)

Method 2
if u would like to have the best results of melted chocolate..

put the chocolate into a small bowl

leave the bowl in a hot water bath and wait for it to melt

or u can put it in a pot filled with water over the fire...

it'll still be a hot water bath but its faster

dont be a dumb dumb and let the water get with the chocolate =)

the result after melting the chocolate
use good strawberries

its approximately RM8 for a box of 250g of strawberries..

or either u can go ahead and buy the USA strawberries...

approx RM15 for a box

a strawberry with an ass =)

okok continuing with it...

just dip the strawberries in chocolate and its ready to eat=)

(this chocolate is with nuts to enhance the flavor)

or either

another example:

you can use marshmallows

take the marshmallow by a fork so u wont dirty up the place

use a spoon and cover the marshmallow completely with chocolate

continue doing it till it becomes like :
and its ready to eat =)

so do try and do it by urselfs

save u more $$

and u have high quality chocolate and fruits compared to the dealers outside

enjoy =)

till da next post

