A Raya Gift from Celcom

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I was cruising around doing errands today and somehow as I stopped at the Sungai Besi Toll, There was a surprise happening over there. There were some people giving out flyers to the people paying at the Tolls.

I was blur at that moment and just took it as well, we don't see this kinda things happening too often do they? So well I read through it while driving *okay I know this is a bad habit such as using your handphones* but it was quite interesting as I found out it is done by Celcom

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Stated in the flyer, Celcom is giving out 500 PortaWiFi devices for FREEEEE in conjunction with this year's Hari Raya. So do look out when you're driving pass a toll!

I'm gonna redeem mine probably tomorrow =P hehe
