Samsung Get Together Party

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Being an evangelist for Samsung, I'm able to go to some of the most awesome parties ever! but one thing that I didn't get to do yet, was to sit down with the Samsung team and just have a friendly chat. Donovan arranged the whole thing together at The Pool KL, where we were able to get to know some of the Samsung Team & of course to know some new cool gadget of Samsung!

a big bunch of bloggers turned up for the event as well, but the 20 of us had special treatment that night! We got to eat, talk and get to know about each other more throughout the night with the other evangelists. and as for the new gadget, it was Samsung TecTiles!

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Samsung TecTiles!

Using NFC, we're able to transfer data into the textiles, which is pretty awesome. that means I can just put in  my pictures, phone number, information, calenders and more into it, and I can access it anytime by just tapping my phone on it with NFC.

A cool thing also, We can put settings such as driving mode, office mode, etc where the phone will run the preset in the Samsung Tectile. Lets just say I put a Textile in a car with driving mode setting, once I tap my phone on it, my phone will automatically go into bluetooth mode and driving mode. How cool is that?

As for the night, it was just loads of talking and catching up with the fellow bloggers and Samsung Team!

*Photos were taken using the Samsung NX20 & Samsung Galaxy S4

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Samsung Team starting it off

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Samantha & Wilson

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The 3 Sam's once again!

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Chelsea & Samantha 

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Yeeing, Ashley & Kah Mon

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Samantha, Julie & Joanna

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Don, Chelsea, Samantha & Jessica

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With the other Evangelists & Samsung Team
*photo credit to Don
It was a great night with the Samsung Team & The rest! can't wait for the next get together!
