
I realise that the past few months
i've become someone else
i'm not the same person i used to be

Emotions are constantly raging
every single small thing will tick me off..
Sadness is appearing everywhere
with Hatred by the side
Loneliness accompanies me everytime
Jealousy is building up in me
I feel Disappointment in many aspects in my life
i realise i'm becoming crazy and paranoid
in short i'm an Emotional Wreck right now

I'm putting on a mask to cover up my feelings
where i know that i'm broken inside
from nearly every single aspect of life

Sometimes i wonder
why do i live?
It seems there is no reason for it
It seems like everything is lost
and can't be gained back again



szw said…
i think your work is taking a hold on u , it happens to me too due to work stress
Samuel C said…
neh its not only the work

there are other issues too
TheJessicat said…
SAMUEL THIS IS NOT U. CHEER UP BUDDY! i wanna see big smiles just like always. do u hear me!?!?!!

:) :)
Rachel said…
i have a tiny feeling someone fell in love... and cant get it back... cheer up sam! get some snooze on! everything'll be better =D
Samuel C said…
Jess: thx dear..i'll try put big smiles on asap kay? *promise*

Rachel: erm no its not about falling in love...its just other problems in my life
a.c.e. said…
=) you're not the only one kor. hugs.