Well...F&B class is like one of the classes i enjoy most
cos it is of tasting and eating =)
okays so anyways this is the last class of the year before i go off for training
Mr Anshul brought us 2 types of wines that day
which i forgot the names and stuff
but we were just drinking it while we studied
for our exams later that day lol
we're nuts rite?
it was pretty dry
okays continuing the post
we had our serving the next day
so as we're servers
we planned it to be Christmas in the restaurant
we came earlier than usual to set up the decorations and stuff
and i got jabbed by a consealed nail T.T
hurts but well..watado...
anyways it was like one of the best service that we had this year
cos its so joyful and merry hahaaa
well we served
kebab sticks for appetizer
salted duck with potatoes for the main course
and chocolate mousse as dessert
well this is our last class T.T
gonna miss it for 3 months as i'll be training
ah nvm its worth the wait =)
till da next post